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Your source for Practical Tips, FREE Resources, and Solid Tools for improving your life and relationships.

This space is created to support you with tips, tools, and healing resources to help you create authentic and joyful lives. My goal is to provide free guidance for you and your loved ones during exciting and challenging seasons of life.

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 Love & Light,

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Living Life for YOU: WHY Do I Always Put Other People Before Myself? + FREE Bust Your People-Pleasing Beliefs Worksheet

In my previous post, I told you why people pleasing eventually makes you feel unhappy, exhausted, resentful, empty, or dissatisfied with your life. (I also shared 7 ways to tell whether you’re a chronic people pleaser.)

But here’s the thing: It’s important to know that people pleasing hurts you in the long run. But just knowing this usually isn’t enough to make you stop doing it and start valuing yourself the way that you value the people around you.

That’s because the foundation of people pleasing—the reason WHY you invest so much time and energy into doing it—runs pretty deep. So to change how you prioritize and value yourself relative to others, you need to first get to the root cause of your people pleasing behavior. You need to first understand WHERE your people pleasing came from and HOW it affects your relationships today.

By gaining clarity on why you put so much effort into pleasing others, you’ll be able to heal yourself and...

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Living Life for YOU: 7 Signs That You’re a People Pleaser + FREE Bust Your People-Pleasing Beliefs Worksheet

When many of my clients first come to me, they have a decent job, a roof over their head, loyal friends, and maybe even a partner who cares about them.

Sounds like they have a pretty good life, right?

But you know what? The way they feel doesn’t match what their life looks like on paper.

For example, they might feel unhappy, dissatisfied, or unfulfilled. They might have the sense that there’s something missing in their life—even though they can’t put a finger on what it is. And in some cases, they may often be angry or irritable without really knowing why.

Does this sound at all familiar to you?

If it does, you might be doing the same thing that many of my clients are doing when they first start working with me: you might be living someone else’s life instead of your own.

I know what you’re thinking: “But Vera, I’m the one who works my job, takes care of my family, and decides what to wear in the morning. So it’s MY life,...

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How to Prioritize YOU: 10 Simple Self-Care Activities for Busy Moms + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

In my last few posts, I’ve been telling you all about why self-care is so important for moms.

But I’ve also acknowledged some of the challenges moms face when trying to take time out for themselves.

Specifically, I’ve done deep dives on the guilt moms feel when they try to make time for themselves. And I’ve addressed the tricky task of actually finding time in the day that you can spend on yourself.

The reality, though, is that even if you’ve done a lot of inner work to tame mom guilt and reflect on how you’re using your time day-to-day, it isn’t always possible to get away to the spa for a day or go on an afternoon hike by yourself (as nice as that kind of freedom would be!).

Of course, you absolutely should try to find ways to get out of your house for self-care every now and then.

But it’s also helpful to discover activities you can do right at home—while your kids are napping, doing homework, or talking to a friend. After...

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How to Prioritize YOU: How to Make Time for Self-Care as a Mom + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

Are you a mom who struggles to make time for herself? If you are, I can assure you that you’re NOT alone.

When you scroll social media feeds, it’s easy to get the impression that other moms have it all figured out—they know how to take care of their kids, keep their homes looking like a magazine cover, and still find time to do their hair or give themselves a pedicure.

But from working with hundreds of moms over the years, I can tell you that what you see on Facebook or Instagram usually doesn’t represent reality. Instead, whether they’re working moms or stay-at-home moms, most moms struggle to take time out for themselves.

In my previous post, I talked about why mom guilt holds moms back from taking time out of their days for themselves. (I also shared tips on how to tame mom guilt so you can make time for yourself WITHOUT feeling guilty.)

However, in that post, I also briefly mentioned another major barrier to self-care for moms: time.

After all, when...

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How to Prioritize YOU: How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Self-Care as a Mom + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

In my previous post, I told you why self-care isn’t optional even when you have a family.

But even though you now know about the benefits of making time for yourself when you have kids, a partner, or aging parents to take care of, you might still struggle to actually make it happen.


Time might be one obstacle. After all, when you’re caring for kids or other family members, it’s harder to find time for yourself.

But when you have other people to take care of, there’s another barrier to self-care that can be an even tougher beast to tackle: GUILT.

Anyone in a caregiving role can feel guilty about taking time for themselves and tending to their own needs. But women are especially likely to struggle with guilt around self-care. After all, as women, we’re constantly surrounded by messages that tell us that our role on Earth is to take care of other people, even if this comes at the expense of meeting our own basic needs.

As I told you last week, though,...

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How to Prioritize YOU: Why Self-Care Isn’t Optional—Even When You Have a Family + FREE Self-Care Time Hacker

Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and students. So I feel pretty confident about saying that most people enjoy taking a break from the daily grind of everyday life and doing something they find fun (whether that’s reading a good book, going for a hike, or training for a half marathon).

And I would even say that most people have at least some idea that self-care is good for them.

So why do a lot of people take care of themselves less than they should?

Because they have so many duties and responsibilities on their plate every day. And for many people, taking time for themselves may not seem as pressing as most of these other tasks.

That’s why prioritizing self-care can be a really challenging thing to do—no matter who you are and what your life looks like.

But it can be especially difficult if you’re a mom.

After all, if you’re a mom, you probably grew up being told that moms always put their kids first—even if it means...

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Making Room for ME in Relationships: Why Spending Time Alone Makes You A BETTER Partner + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

Movies, romance novels, and social media can make us think that if we’re in a romantic relationship, our goal is to spend as much time as possible with our significant other. We’re led to believe that if we truly love our partner, we should spend every waking minute with them and never be apart.

That’s why you might think that you should never need alone time—time just with yourself—when you’re in a relationship. And you might even feel guilty if you want some time to yourself every now and then.

But do you know what I always tell my clients when I’m helping them build strong, loving relationships?

Not only that there’s NOTHING wrong with spending time away from your partner. But also that spending time alone is GOOD for your relationship and actually makes you a BETTER partner.

I know that’s a bit counterintuitive.

That’s why in this post—my final one in my Making Room for Me in Relationships series—I’m...

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Making Room for ME in Relationships: Why Speaking Up STRENGTHENS Your Relationship + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to believe that it’s your job to be easygoing and “keep the peace.”

After all, you don’t want to come across as a drama queen or as someone who’s high maintenance and constantly creating conflict.

So, for example, even though you’re not quite ready to move in with your partner, you might pretend that you are.

Or even though you hate that your partner’s friends are over at your house all the time, you might not tell your partner how you really feel.

Maybe it’s even just that you always tell your partner that you “don’t really care” about which restaurant the two of you go to or which movie you end up watching—even though you do.

You avoid expressing your true thoughts and feelings to your partner because you believe it’s the best way to keep things pleasant and make sure your relationship stays on track.

But do you want to know the truth—the truth...

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Making Room for ME in Relationships: Why It’s ESSENTIAL to Tell Your Partner What You Need + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

Even if you love your partner and believe you have a strong bond with them, it can be hard to tell them what you need.


Because you don’t want to come across as bossy, needy, or demanding.

So instead of telling your partner that you need to go to bed by 9 p.m., eat a vegan diet, or talk to them at some point every day, you decide to stay quiet.

Maybe you tell yourself that you’ll communicate your needs to your partner later on in your relationship—when things “feel more secure” or you’ve been together longer.

Or maybe you even try to convince yourself that your needs aren’t all that important or that you should leave them behind now that you’re no longer single.

This may seem like the best way to avoid “rocking the boat” and make your relationship last.

But in reality, if you want to feel happy and satisfied—both in your own life and in your relationship—it isn’t just helpful to tell your partner what...

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Making Room for ME in Relationships: Want a Successful Relationship? This is WHO to be. + FREE My Personal Compass Worksheet

We’re often told that relationships are about “compromise” and “two people becoming one.”

So you might think that to make a relationship work, you need to relinquish your identity as an individual and take on the identity of one member of a couple.

The problem?

When you sacrifice yourself or your identity for a relationship, you end up losing yourself. You may not notice it as first. But eventually, you’ll realize that you don’t make as much time for the things you love, you don’t spend as much time with the other people you care about, and you don’t chase your own dreams as passionately as you used to.

Losing yourself or changing who you are to “fit” a relationship may not bother you initially. But over time, it’ll leave you feeling drained, unfulfilled, and even resentful. It’ll also limit your capacity to truly give and receive love—the very thing you’ve sacrificed yourself for.


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